Frequently Asked Questions
Note: Since the transmitter used in the MySportComm System is a professional radio, not an FRS, and is 4 watts of power, each user should have an FCC license for the frequencies used. The re-seller does not handle this, it is the sole responsibility of the end user. Simple forms are included with each radio shipment.
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What is this?
The SportComm earpiece is the world's smallest and only completely in-the-ear communication device. This is the smallest Coach-to-Player Communication system in the world.
Are there any wires?
No. There are no wires or antennas
How small is the SportComm earpiece?
It is the size of a dime.
What is the little wire sticking out of the earpiece?
This allows you to easily get the earpiece out of your ear. It can be removed.
What kind of uses does the earpiece have?
It has been used for many different things from Sports, to Movie and Television, to Lectures. It is mostly used in sports such as Horseback riding, Hockey, Baseball, Football, Lacrosse, etc.
What is the distance the SportComm earpiece can receive?
In an open field environment, it can reach up to one mile. It works well in all stadium settings.
Is there a Volume Control?
Yes, a high and a low. Most customers use the high volume.
Is there interference with other users?
It is possible, but very rare.
Does it use a battery?
Yes. It uses a commonly available hearing aid battery that can be purchased at any drugstore.
How long is the battery life?
In the “On” position and being used continuously, the battery will last approximately 4 hours.
Can you have more than one earpiece for each transmitter?
Yes. You can have as many as you would like.
Is this a “one way” or “two way” communication device?
This is a “one-way” communication device.
Is there a warranty?
Yes, Parts and labor for a manufacturer defect for up to one year from purchase.
Does it stay in the ear?
Yes, only in high-impact sports, such as football and hockey, do we recommend the use of a piece of athletic tape, or an adhesive bandage over the ear.
Does the SportComm Earpiece come ready to use?
Yes. When you receive it, simply turn on the Earpiece and the Transmitter and it is are ready to be used.
What is the volume of the earpiece on Volume 1?
94 dB
What is the volume of the earpiece on Volume 2?
102 dB*
* Volume levels above 95 dB, with extensive use, may harm the users ear.
Are the earpieces returnable?
No, these are electronic devices that are used in the ear of a human and therefore are not returnable. We will repair or replace any defective unit that is within the warranty period. Please see warranty.